About Linda
Hello, I’m Linda Forbes!
Thank you for your interest in my services.
A little bit about me: I’m an experienced birth and postnatal doula working for more than 15 years across Melbourne. I’m also a proud mother to five children spanning 18 years.
I’ve worked with families across the spectrum of homebirths, birth centres and hospitals. I’ve seen the impact of birthing in a state of fear and anxiety. I’ve also seen the opposite, the magic that happens when women trust in their bodies and find the strength to birth their babies in a calm and centred way.
This experience led me to become a Calmbirth® Educator. I’m so excited to be teaching this course.
I firmly believe Calmbirth® allows childbirth to be an empowering experience for women and their partners, regardless of how the birth unfolds.
It gives couples confidence, which is the result of learning effective tools. Tools that will help them journey together through their pregnancy and birth and ultimately meet their baby.
I’m so passionate about birth and have been blessed to support many families with newborns.
Time and time again, I’ve seen the impact a positive birth can have on the mother and her whole family. This allows the early days to be a positive and happy time.
My hope is that couples feel a deeper connection after the Calmbirth® course, and this allows them to both feel confident and prepared for their birth.
I look forward to seeing you in my Calmbirth® course.
Linda xx